Monday, September 20, 2010

Losing it

Today at work I will step on a scale and let all my coworkers see what it says. EEKKK!!! Why would I subject myself to that kind of torture? We are starting a weight loss challenge today. We all pay $20 and weigh in weekly. On December 1st whoever has lost the most weight will "win" all the money, which I think totals out to be $160.

I have tried numerous weight loss methods so I am hoping that by blogging about my successful days and my not so successful days it will keep me motivated to stay on track. As of right now I am not brave enough to post my starting weight but I will keep you informed on how many pounds/inches I am loosing.

I haven't picked a specific "diet" that I will start, I am just hoping to start exercising more and eating healthier.

Wish me luck in losing it!


Mom :) said...

You can do it!!

Amy said...

You can do it!!!!!! Weight Watchers is working for me! Good luck!!!!